Monday, May 24, 2010

First Stop: Arizona

Check! Made it to Arizona. We got a bit distracted by the pretty landscape and forgot to fill up on gas. Classic move. Only 100 miles out of Cali and we're already dealing with our first crisis. Luckily we rolled into a small town before Blythe (the first thing in about 80 miles) sweating from the no AC situation in the nick of time.
Also, fun fact, the Arizona Sign is enormous! Check out our sweet photo. Yes we stopped and got honked out by at least 10 truckers.
We knew we were close when we pulled off the freeway and were driving on perfectly paved roads splatted with proud conservative political signage and funky low-riding Pueblo style houses. We stopped in a CVS to pick up some wine and all the employees wore giant yellow tags that said "DELIGHTED" They've taken extra steps to make their costumers happy.
We are currently safely tucked away at Tessa's house and about to eat some delicious stir-fry with her family. Next stop Santa Fe : )

1 comment:

  1. So awesome! I can't wait to read this everyday at work and imagine the wonderful times us skunks are having, but especially you two!
