Our drive to Baltimore was a cinch- under an hour. We pulled up to one of the city's famous rowhouses that belonged to a Mr. Alex McSay, more formally known as Laura's older brother. Alex took us on a long journey around the city by foot. We got to see the fun sections of Baltimore including Fleet street and the Inner Harbor. A lovely addition to our tour was the smell of freshly baked bread that lingered in the air thanks to a bread factory conveniently situated in the city. Once our legs grew tired, we all sat down to some beer from one of Alex's favorite bars. Katja was excited to learn about beer from the master. Alex's girlfriend Sarah also joined us in some merry beer tasting. After the sun disappeared behind the buildings, we all headed to a unique burger joint that lets you create your own burger and offers every topping you can possible imagine, including some we had never thought of before. They even have three different types of veggie burgers! Completely stuffed we headed back to Alex's house for some games. We played a version of Apples to Apples created by Alex's friends. The concept for the game is the same, just the cards are far more hilarious. It's a recipe for a good time. We concluded the night with some s'mores, left over from our camping trip.

Laura and Alex reunited at last!
The next morning Alex took us to one of his favorite breakfast spots where we tried captain crunch french toast. It's as delicious as it sounds. Sad to leave, but ready to complete our cross country journey, we headed north to our final destination- Rhode Island.

Kaurja McSon is soon to become Laura Mcsay and Katja Nelson as Laura takes the long journey back to Chi town solo : ( Don't worry though, our adventures are far from over. Stay tuned for our next journey to the South- Laura and Katja do South America.
I have SO enjoyed your exciting journey through America - can't wait for the next chapter!