Hellll yeah
Hottest cowboy at the Honky Tonk

We got into Austin around 11:30 pm excited to be out of the car and in a new city. We checked into the International Hostel and snagged the last two beds in the all girls dormitory. As we set our stuff down and changed for bed we heard someone making what we thought were irritated grunting noises. Moments later we discovered she was sleep talking (or shouting)- "TURN AROUND CHRISTINA!" - Night 1 in the hostel - no one's awake and we've already encountered someone who is completely nuts.
We woke up around 9 after a weird night sleep and got a bomb breakfast of massively stuffed veggie omletes and fluffy ginger pancakes. Afterwords we ventured to the main drag by U.T. We walked around poking our heads into the cute shops, not getting too attached to anything for fear of spending money on something other than gas or speeding tickets. We could see the capitol building in the distance and decided we should pay our dues to the largest capitol building in the U.S. The walls were adorned with previous governors and senators of the state, a bunch of white dudes with the occasional woman. Fun fact- the first female governor of Texas was Miriam Ferguson in 1925. What a baller.

Later than night we met up Laura's friend of a friend, Shelby. We went out to dinner and then went to Shelby's boyfriend's house for a party to see how true Austinians (possibly made this word up?) throw down. Turns out they appreciate temporary tattoos as much as we do. We eventually parted with our new friends to see what downtown on a Friday night. To put it simply, it's a lot like Vegas, but without gambling and people are actually from the city. The streets are closed and those who drunkenly stumble in the wrong direction get corralled by police on horses.
Saturday we slept in a little, grabbed breakfast and hit Barton Springs, a natural spring/pool/reservoir. The water is very cold and relieves everyone of the the 90 degree weather. In an Austin hot spot, or should we say cold spot.
Crazy lady under the cotton trees

Barton Springs
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